ðĨ Selling for only 4,068,500 baht
ð KnightsBridge Bearing Charming-Arty-Vintage
ð Sukhumvit 107 (Soi Bearing 6)
ð 1 bedroom 47.64 square meters
ð 21st floor (corner room) no blocked view
ð Fully furnished and equipped with electrical appliances, ready to move in
âĻ Near BTS Bearing (only 7 minutes walk)
âĻ Near 7-Eleven, flea market
âĻ Near St. Andrews International School
ãŧ Very new room (never occupied or rented)
ãŧ Bathtub/sanitary ware Cotto brand
ãŧ Closed kitchen, can cook to your heart’s content, no bad smell into the room
ãŧ Walk-in closet with partition
ãŧ Built-in shoe cabinet with tall dressing mirror
ãŧ Blackout curtains in both living room and bedroom
ãŧ Large balcony can be used for planting trees or doing various activities, allowing you to enjoy the natural and city views at all times
ðĨ āļāļēāļĒ 4,068,500 āļāļēāļāđāļāđāļēāļāļąāđāļ
ð KnightsBridge Bearing Charming-Arty-Vintage
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